Kushtia Industrial Automation

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Service

Kushtia Industrial Automation offers state-of-the-art SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) solutions tailored to meet the dynamic needs of modern industries. Our SCADA service empowers businesses with real-time monitoring, control, and data
acquisition capabilities, enabling efficient management of industrial processes and infrastructure.

Service Overview:

Our SCADA service provides comprehensive solutions for the effective supervision, control, and management of industrial operations. Key features of our SCADA service include:

Customized SCADA Solutions: We collaborate closely with clients to understand their unique requirements and develop customized SCADA solutions tailored to their specific needs and objectives.

SCADA System Design and Development: Our team of experienced engineers specializes in SCADA system design and development, ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure and optimal performance across diverse industrial

Real-Time Monitoring and Control: Our SCADA solutions enable real-time monitoring and control of industrial processes, equipment, and facilities, providing operators with instant access to critical data and enabling swift response to changing

Data Acquisition and Historization: We implement robust data acquisition and historization capabilities in SCADA systems, enabling the collection, storage, and analysis of valuable process data for performance optimization, trend analysis, and
regulatory compliance

Integration with PLCs and HMIs: We seamlessly integrate SCADA systems with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and human-machine interfaces (HMIs) to create comprehensive automation solutions, facilitating seamless communication and
interoperability between control devices and supervisory systems.

Remote Access and Mobile Monitoring: Our SCADA solutions include remote access and mobile monitoring capabilities, allowing operators to monitor and manage industrial processes from anywhere, anytime, using web-based interfaces or mobile

Alarm Management and Event Notification: We implement advanced alarm management and event notification systems in SCADA solutions, enabling operators to
quickly identify and respond to abnormal conditions, faults, and emergencies, thereby
minimizing downtime and optimizing operational efficiency.

Security and Compliance: We prioritize security and compliance in our SCADA solutions, implementing robust cybersecurity measures and access controls to protect critical infrastructure and data, as well as ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.


Improved Operational Efficiency: Real-time monitoring, control, and data analysis capabilities enhance operational efficiency and productivity. Enhanced Decision-Making: Access to real-time and historical data enables informed decision-making and proactive management of industrial processes. Reduced Downtime: Early detection of faults, abnormalities, and potential issues minimizes downtime and prevents costly disruptions. Regulatory Compliance: Comprehensive data acquisition and reporting capabilities ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards. Scalability: Our SCADA solutions are designed to scale with the evolving needs of our clients, accommodating growth and expansion without compromising performance or

Industries Served:

Our SCADA service caters to a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, utilities, oil and gas, water and wastewater, transportation, and more.

Get in Touch:

Empower your business with our SCADA solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how Kushtia Industrial Automation can help optimize your industrial operations and drive business success.

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